Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday Thirteen- 13 Text message pointers for lovers

Sexual escapades have expanded with the evolution of text messaging. Whether it's your boyfriend, girlfriend, a lover or spouse...the progression of text messaging has opened (bedroom) doors, and sexual escapades, where we never thought they'd be. As an adult, I've learned that 'sexting' with the one you love can be a magical thing.

Simple little words or sayings through a cell phone has opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed.

Don't you love waking up to a new text every day saying "Good Morning" or settling into bed only to recieve a text that says "sweet dreams".

2. Seductive pictures (or videos) sent to the one you love can add excitement to any relationship at any level.

Below are a few texts I've recieved in the last year that have literally (every pun intended), got my juices flowing.

3. The little secret words like ending your "I love you" text with "big kisses and little nibbles".

4. Anytime you see the word, honey, hon, babe, names give me chills and make me smirk.

5. Send a text just because you're thinking about that someone. "Thinking about you" or "Missing you" - can make someone's day.

6. Tell your lover what you want to do- "I want to strip your clothes off tonight". The sexual anticipation can build over the hours apart.

7. Being a writer by nature- start sending little excerpts of a past sexual experience you shared with your love. Start it with "I remember when..." and end it with a hint of a repeat.

8. Not every picture needs to be a sexual pose or contain nudity- I once sent a picture of my long, painted fingernail (used frequently during...well, you get the idea) and so did he. Send pictures of places you've been together and enjoyed- maybe a restaurants' sign, a movie theatre entrance.

9. Talk dirty- some people have a problem sharing fantasies face to face so use technology to your sexual release advantage. Let your hair down, get wild and get horny.

10. Heighten the experience- send a 'special' text when you know your partner is in a meeting. Everyone around him or her will sense his or her change in behavior- this makes your partner feel naughty and can intensify your reunion later that day.

11. Send song lyrics with special meaning to the two of you. I once sent a lyric from Daughtry's "It's Not Over". The words expressed in the song touched a special place in his heart and he was "VERY" grateful that night.

12. Even if you're in the house together- send that text that simply says I Love You- it's amazing how those three little words can make someone smile.

13. Play little 'sex games'...start a rhyme and let your partner finish it. Ex. (your text) It's raining today, it's a good day to stay in bed...(their reply) and make love.


Savanna Kougar said...

I haven't entered the world of texting. So, that was definitely useful sex-info.

Gem Sivad said...

You are soooo right. The texting teasers heat up the day and light the fires for later that night. Intimacy is found in so many strange ways now.


Nessa said...

Just make sure you don't accidentally text the work phone.