A Non-Carolers Memory - Taige Crenshaw
There is a different feeling to Christmas on the beautiful island where I grew up. When the holiday approached I would feel an excitement in the air. I’ve always equated Christmas with the smell of the baking of carrot cake, tart, and sweet bread. The sound of the steel pan playing a Christmas Carol. There is nothing like it.
One of my favorite memories was the Christmas carolers who performed in Emancipation Garden. I still remember my first time I went. I was in awe of all the various team of carolers that were there. Singing and having fun. Those in the audience joined in. One year especially I remember there was a friendly bet between two groups. One called themselves The Non-Carolers. And from the name you guessed it. The non-carolers didn’t sing all that well. Yet their enthusiasm and the good-natured rivalry between the two groups entertained everyone. It was a carol sing off that had people talking for a long time. It enhanced a tradition and became one. It was a Christmas memory that I treasure to this day.
Seducing Dare by @TaigeCrenshaw.
Will resist or give in...
Happy Holidays
Taige Crenshaw
...increasing the sizzle factor
Savanna Kougar
As I
was growing up the Christmas holidays always seemed too far away. One year, I
decided to play Santa Claus. There were six of us kids. Yes, once upon a time
large families were a good thing. Anyway, I used my allowance to buy these huge
swirly lollipops—I think I was twelve at the time—but I was able to sneakily
purchase them, and without my parents knowing, put the big lollipops in
everyone's stocking. It was fabulous watching my siblings surprise, their
enjoyment that Christmas morning. What was deliciously fun too, the surprised
reaction of my parents, who had no clue how or where the lollipops had come
from. It was like a Christmas miracle.
you enjoy shapeshifter erotic romance, I have short story, SANTA BABY, SEVERAL
STARS AWAY, that can be found at ~
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Savanna Kougar
Louise Lyndon
Christmas in Australia is ALWAYS hot. Yet for some unknown
reason we always seem to have a hot traditional Christmas dinner - even though
it's sweltering outside! The family gathers, we crank up the air
conditioning and warm up the oven, and cook up a storm. While we go traditional
we also have some Aussie favourites - in particular, prawns. Now, I'm not much
of a cook, but I do make a pretty mean chicken and potato salad - which I make
every Christmas.
4 Idaho potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 (6-ounce) skinless chicken breast
3 slices cooked bacon, crumbled
1/4 cup diced celery
1/4 cup diced onion
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 teaspoons mustard
1 tablespoon paprika
2 tablespoons chopped parsley leaves
2 sage leaves, chopped
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Place
potatoes on a sheet tray, toss with oil, season with salt and pepper, and roast
until golden and tender, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, in a saucepan cover
chicken with water and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Poach until cooked
through, about 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from poaching liquid, let cool for a
bit, and cut chicken into cubes. In a large bowl, toss together potatoes,
chicken and bacon with the celery, onions, and garlic. Add the mayonnaise,
mustard, paprika, herbs, salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste. Mix
until well combined.
Come and hang out with me on
Facebook: @LouiseLyndonAuthor
I wish you and
your family a safe and merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Lots of love,
Serena Simpson
Since the day my daughter was born she represents Christmas to me. Every year we trim the tree, watch the movies and sing the songs. She helps me cook dinner, and we look for the perfect angel to go on our tree, unlike Kore, in
Kore's Angel: Angel Shifters, we've never found that angel. I don't tell my daughter, but my angel was born on her birthday.
Merry Christmas,
Keta Diablo
For many, the Holidays are all about decorating your home to make it look festive. In this scene from my latest release
Sky Dreams (Book 3 in the Sky Series) our heroine, Haven, is staying with the Sinclair family while teaching at the local country school.
Charlotte Sinclair has gone to great lengths to make their country home joyous and cheery.
By the end of December, Tall Timbers shimmered with holiday gaiety. Pine branches draped the railings outside and in and graced the mantle over the hearth. Charlotte had hung sprigs of holly and mistletoe over the arches of every doorway and even from the chandeliers in the kitchen and parlor. As a final touch, candles in deep scarlet and pristine white adorned every table and sideboard.
Haven found Charlotte in the parlor surrounded by yards of satin and cords of silk ribbon. An arresting display of crystal bowls filled with pinecones and remnants of pine branches graced the mantle and the book shelves flanking both sides. The tree stood in glorious splendor off to one side, decorated with candles, strings of popped corn and yet more mistletoe and holly.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and New Year! If you'd like to know more about Keta's romance books, please visit her
Amazon page.

*New* Release
SKY DREAMS, Book 3 in the Sky Series, #historical #romance #kindle
Whitley Cox
Love, Passion and Power: Part 2 (Part 1 is now available for pre-order. Release date: January 29, 2017)
The Dark and Damaged Hearts Series Book 2
Release Date: February 19, 2017
The following excerpt is from Love, Passion and Power: Part 2, Book 2 from The Dark and Damaged Hearts series. It’s Justin and Kendra’s first Christmas, and they’re sitting around the tree opening gifts, just the two of them.
“There’s more! Look inside the bag.” I watched him pull
out a comic book. “Its The Amazing Spiderman issue number 129, The Punisher!” I
announced, unable to contain my excitement
see that,” he said, his eyes raking over the pristine plastic wrapped limited
edition comic book that I had spent ages tracking down, only to spend a small
fortune on in a brutal bidding war with some seventeen-year-old in Belarus.
“Kendra, this is a limited edition copy.
know. You don’t have it do you? I went through all your comics I could find and
I didn’t see this one. Do you like it?"
love it, thank you. But this is
know, but, you’re worth it. I love you.
And you keep telling me to stop worrying about money, so finally I did. Seeing
your face light up the way it is makes it all worth it.”
I was talking a million
miles a minute and I hadn’t even finished my first cup of special Bailey’s
laced Christmas coffee. It was just the Christmas Effect, it made me so giddy I
could hardly contain myself, let alone stop and take a breath.
“Now,” he said, sobering up and sitting back on his
heels. “I think there are a few more things under here with your name on the
tag.” He started rummaging around the base of the tree amongst all the gifts
for other people. “Ah, here we go.” He pulled out a big box, once again
expertly wrapped; this time the paper was bright red and the velvet bow gold.
“Open it.”
tore at the paper and opened the box, my face bunching up in confusion. “Shirts
and socks?”
can buy practical things for each other too.” He grinned. “But look underneath
lifted the cute peach blouse and ankle socks out and put them next to me.
Beneath them was an absolutely stunning black satin corset with red trim, lace
inlay, black stays and a lace thong. I raised a sarcastic eyebrow Justin’s way,
he was all smiles.
well it’s more of a Christmas present for me,”
he chuckled. “But I couldn’t very well wrap up my own gift, now could I?”
rolled my eyes and smiled. “Noooo,” I chided. “Of course not.”
Wishing you and yours a safe and magical holiday, with many amazing things coming your way for 2017.With Love, Whitley Cox