1. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
2. How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed?
You wake up wet.
6. What kind of cakes do snowmen like?
The kind with lots of frosting.
7. What happened when the snowgirl had an argument with the snowboy ?
She gave him the cold shoulder.
9. What's the difference between snowmen and snowladies?
10. What do snowmen call their offspring?
11. What happened when the icicle landed on the sowmman’s head?
It knocked him cold.
12. What do ou call a snowman in summer?
A puddle.
13. How does a snowman lose weight?
He waits for the weather to get warmer.
3. What does a Snowman take when he gets sick?
A chill pill.
A chill pill.
4. What does a snowman’s wife put on her face at night?
Cold cream.
5. What is a Snowman’s favorite Drink?
Ice Tea.
6. What kind of cakes do snowmen like?
The kind with lots of frosting.
7. What happened when the snowgirl had an argument with the snowboy ?
She gave him the cold shoulder.
9. What's the difference between snowmen and snowladies?
10. What do snowmen call their offspring?
11. What happened when the icicle landed on the sowmman’s head?
It knocked him cold.
12. What do ou call a snowman in summer?
A puddle.
13. How does a snowman lose weight?
He waits for the weather to get warmer.
Have a fun holiday filled with the wonder of innocent play and fun.
#9 made me smile! Thanks :)
Happy T13,
13 Procrastinations
Ah, if only it was as easy as number 13. Cute post! Find me here
I knew there had to be a cold shoulder in there somewhere. Fun.
Glad you all enjoyed this. Having fun is the essence of the season -- and sharing love. =^_^= Happy Holidays everyone.
LOL!!! Thanks for sharing.
The Food Temptress
I love #9, it's a good one!
Adorable! and funny.
Very funny!
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