I'm pleased to announce that I've contracted two more books in my Eclipse Heat series. (I'm trying to be cool, but damn I'm proud.)
Here are the tentative publication dates for my titles coming out @ Ellora’s Cave:
Perfect Strangers-This month!!--November 23rd
Pinch of Naughty-December 2011

Breed Tree-Spring 2012
Wolf’s Tender- Spring 2012
Whispering Grace- Summer 2012

Gem, MAJOR congratulations! That is so fabulous, and you should be proud.
Love your banners, a perfect vibrant reflection of your books. ~smiles~
Savanna, I have been dreaming about writing Grace's story (Whispering Grace) since I began the series. It's "show time". Meanwhile, I just received the publication date for Perfect Strangers--November 23rd. Guess I'll be serving PS to our Thanksgiving guests this year. :)
Gem, I'm so HAPPY for you. You betcha, serve Perfect Strangers for Thanksgiving... placemats... or dining off a hunky bare chest?
Yeah, I'm a crazy mood.
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