Monday, December 21, 2020

Kore's Angel A Christmas Angel Shifter Novel



Love was blind, but so was Hate. Eden learned that when she realized her finance was trying to kill her.
Kore was dying. When? It was only a matter of time. He wanted to spend his last few days alone.
It wasn't supposed to happen, it should have happened. One dying Angel meeting a dying human.

Together they may beat the odds if the evil trying to wipe the angel shifters from the face of the world doesn't kill them first.

Together they are strong, but simple isn't always easy.


Have you ever wondered about love, Eden?”

“Yes.” How many nights had she wondered if she loved Marcus or was she just infatuated because he showed her so much attention and didn’t seem to need her money?

“I’ve always wanted that perfect guy. The one who would cherish me forever. I thought I found it in Marcus Keller. I was wrong; he wanted to kill me. Looks like he will succeed very soon.”

“Sometimes love can’t be found in perfection. It only exists in imperfection. You’re getting a second chance Eden, don’t blow it.”

Talon disappeared from the car, and it began to roll again. She started to scream, what else could she do? She pressed her face against the glass and watched as the car got closer to the water and the rocks below. She was so mesmerized with her upcoming death she never saw the huge shadow above her car.

The car came to a jerking stop before she began to travel sideways moving away from the icy water and the certain death that was waiting for her. She wanted to see what was above her but the car was upside down and at that moment all she could do was hope she didn’t break her neck during the rescue. Who could be rescuing her? Was this some new droid the armed services were working on? Whoever or whatever it was would earn her eternal gratitude. The car finally came to a stop on the hard ground. It was on its roof, but she was alive. She fumbled with her seatbelt as the door was torn off of its hinges. Her savior helped her out. She took one look at him and knew she was in the river dying.

She saw herself standing on the bank of the river. The slope of the ravine was steep and deadly. She was standing in snow that was inches deep as her body shivered. She was dying and all she needed to know was if she was going to make it in.

“Did I make it to heaven? Is God going to let me in, where are the pearly gates? I’ve been good, I went to church, and I know my name has to be in the book of life to get in. Is my name there?”

“I’m no angel.”

“Sure.” She craned her head up looking at the angel before her; he stood somewhere between ten and eleven feet tall. He had glorious white wings that were spread out behind his back. This truly was the season of miracles she thought. 

“I will take you someplace where you can walk to civilization and call someone for a ride.” He stopped to ponder the situation before adding, “Do you need money?”

She looked down to see her bag around her neck although she thought it was sitting on the floor of her car.

“Please don’t leave me.” She looked up into his green eyes that were circled with a rim of gold.

“Honestly ma’am, I’m not an angel.” A shadow crossed his face before he became light once again.


“Excuse me?”

“My name is Eden and if you’re not an angel what’s your name?”



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