Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Book One


Mekhi didn't want to deal with the construction owner her crew. His beast was undecided if he should kill her or not, but you don't always get what you want.

Quinn didn't want to deal with with the male on the other end of the phone. However, he had a job, and she had a crew that needed work.

Neither was what the other expected, but they couldn't deny the attraction.

The pain in his eyes made her want to reach out and hold him. The threat on her life made him protective. The closer they get the more likely they are to fall in love until they realize the threat was real.

Now they were in a race against time to save Quinn's life, but was she the only one in danger? Love and romance hang in the balance as unknown assailants try to shut them up.

Adult content 18 and older

Chapter One:

Quinn drummed her fingers against the desk while the phone rang. Her office was small, which was another word for crammed. She had a desk big enough for her working needs and filing cabinets, but that was it. There were also two chairs taking up her limited space, but it was hers, and she was proud of it.


“Hi, this is Quinn from Quinn's Construction. I’m returning a call I received about doing an outside kitchen.”

“I’m sorry you have the wrong number.”



“My construction company is just as good as any run by or staffed by men. You called me that means you know I can get the job done.”

“What does your sex have to do with it?”

“Why did you call if all you wanted to do was play around? I’m a business with real bills and actual employees to pay.”

She hung up the phone not hanging her head until she was sure the line was dead. The loan she took out would soon be gone, and if she didn’t get real work, she’d not only be in debt, she wouldn’t have a company.

This was the twenty-first century. How could people still hold such outdated beliefs? Construction was a man’s job. She cut her teeth on construction work. Her dad named this business after her and raised her to take over for him.

Her phone rang, she took several deep breaths composing herself before she answered it.

“Quinn’s Construction, how can I help you?” She needed a secretary, but she wouldn’t hire one because she wasn’t sure she could pay him or her.

“You called me and then hung up on me. I won’t tell you how rude that was. I asked a question. What does your sex have to do with your job?”

“I don’t know who you are, but this isn’t funny. You, like most men, don’t think a woman can get the job done. I have been working this business day and night for two years. I know my stuff. Did I answer your question?”

“You did. I will expect you at this address at one pm sharp.” He rattled off the address before he hung up.

She sat there holding her phone, mouth open. This could be the break she needed.


“Slade!” Mekhi stormed into the house.

“What?” Slade pushed his hand through his hair to keep from reaching for his brother. Control, something that Mekhi didn’t have.

“You called that female construction worker.”

“What are you doing with my phone?”

“You left it outside; it rang, and I answered it. What did you think I was doing with it?”

“Did you tell her not to come?”

“No lecture from big brother? I told her to be here at one pm sharp. So, have everyone assembled.”

 He turned to walk away. “You might want to keep better track of this.” He threw the phone at Slade’s head and disappeared up the stairs.

The door shut behind him without a sound. He was exercising control when he wanted to take the room apart. The one thing he asked was for them not to call the female construction worker. Her name was Quinn.

His room was more of a suite. He had a large bedroom with an attached bathroom and walk-in closet. There was a living room as well as a den that he also used as an office. He lived in a mansion, and it did nothing to keep his anger under control.

Quinn, he’d never be able to forget that name or the voice that spoke it. He should have never called her back. Listening to her talk made him angry and enraged his beast. It also stirred a desire long dead. What was she doing on Earth? Why did she even exist? Should he kill her to put himself out of his pain?

His beast took over swapping bodies with him as he roared his rage. One glance at the mirror reminded him; he was broken. There was a time when his beast stood with pride, he had black fur that was healthy. Now he looked old and felt even older. His fur was thinner and non-existent in some spots. Broken. He forced the change back.

He grimaced as pain shot through his body. His beast was resisting, but he didn’t have a choice unless he wanted to be killed on sight. The thought of the news running stories that Bigfoot had been found and killed almost made him laugh. He didn’t look like that mythical creature, but he was sure that was what they would say he was.

The thought of imaginary monsters left him as he walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. All he needed to do was meet with her. He could accomplish that. He stood beneath the water making it as cold as it would go. When he saw her in person, heard her real voice, then he would know she meant nothing to him.

His beast was mistaken when he called her their mate. He would never mate, just like his brothers would spend their lives alone. Their eyes flashed in front of his face accusing him, calling him inadequate. He would never overcome what he allowed to happen. There would never be a way he could make up for it.

She’s ours his beast spoke, and we will claim her. He hoped his other side was wrong.


Quinn wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans. She looked down and realized she needed to take a quick shower before she went to her appointment. Her team had just finished up a project, and she worked as hard as they did. It was the last one they had on the books. Although she felt guilty, she sent them home a little early.

They deserved the time off, and she needed the relief of not having to pay them for a whole day. She would pay them for the full day anyway. That’s why she was failing according to her only male friend in the business. She had a heart, and that didn’t mix with money.

She left the office, locked up, and went to her truck.

“Answer.” She checked her earpiece out of habit to make sure it was secure.

“Hi baby, how are you?”

“I’m good mom. I have a possible job to do an outdoor kitchen. It’s not much, but it’s more than I had this morning.”

“I’m so proud of you. I know it’s not easy, but you’re doing it. If I can help in any way, let me know.”
Her mom made the same offer every month. There was no way she was taking the little money she received.

“I’m good mom. If something goes wrong, I’ll let you know. Do you know anything about the commercials?”

“What commercials?”

“Mine, the ones that are on television.”

“I’ve seen them; I’m so proud of you.”

“Mom, I tried to cancel them. They told me that they were paid for, so they have to run them.”

“They wouldn’t give you a refund?”

“No, that’s not it.”

“Then what’s wrong I don’t understand.”

“Are you paying for the commercials to run?”

“You just told me you were not having financial troubles. Do you need my help?”

The concern in her mother’s voice overwhelmed her. It was her job to take care of her now that she was older.

“Everything’s okay mom, I must have just miscalculated.”

“If you’re sure dear.”

“I am. Mom, I just pulled in front of my place. I need a shower before I keep my appointment. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Kisses love.” Her mother hung up leaving her to sit in the truck in front of her small apartment.
Climbing out she grabbed her tool belt and walked inside. She was on the ground floor. It didn’t make her feel safe, but it was better than the alternative.

A loud meow greeted her at the door. “Hi, Tee.” She closed and locked the door before she bent down and picked up her cat.

“How was your day girl?” She yawned wide showing her teeth before she purred and rubbed her head against Quinn’s hand. “Someone wants rubs. She took a seat on the kitchen room chair and started rubbing her.

“You’ll have to get more later. I have a meeting with some hard-headed male who is going to let me construct his outdoor kitchen and pay me a decent price. No more being a pushover, I mean it. Keeping you in food and litter is expensive. Sometimes I think you eat more than I do.”

She dropped her cat and went into the bedroom to strip. “I need a shower; I stink.” It was a bad habit, but she talked to her cat like she understood every word.

 A job, she did a little jig in front of the mirror before stepping into a nice warm shower.

When she first took over her father’s business, she had plans to conquer the world. Now all she wanted to conquer was an office building or two. Even building someone their dream house would be nice. For now, she’d settle for one outdoor kitchen.

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